
ただいま表示中: ボルビア - 郵便切手 (1867 - 2023) - 2 切手.

[Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IS] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IT] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IU] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IV] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IW] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IX] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IY] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ IZ] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KA] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KB] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KC] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KD] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KE] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KF] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KG] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KH] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KI] [Unissued Tiahuanacu Excavation stamps Surcharged as in "Design from Gate of the Sun", タイプ KK]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
640 IS 50/0.50B/C 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
641 IT 100/1B/C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
642 IU 200/2B/C 1.07 - 0.27 - USD  Info
643 IV 300/5B/C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
644 IW 350/10B/C 0.27 - 1.07 - USD  Info
645 IX 400/15B/C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
646 IY 500/20B/C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
647 IZ 500/50B/C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
648 KA 600/22.50B/C 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
649 KB 600/60B/C 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
650 KC 700/25B/C 1.07 - 0.27 - USD  Info
651 KD 700/1B 1.61 - 0.81 - USD  Info
652 KE 800/30B/C 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
653 KF 900/40B/C 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
654 KG 1000/2B 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
655 KH 1800/3B 4.30 - 6.45 - USD  Info
656 KI 4000/4B 64.46 - 53.72 - USD  Info
657 KK 5000/5B 16.11 - 12.89 - USD  Info
1970 Stamp Exhibition "EXFILCA 70" - Caracas, Venezuela

6. 12月 WM: なし ミシン目: 13 x 12

[Stamp Exhibition "EXFILCA 70" - Caracas, Venezuela, タイプ IW1]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
816 IW1 30/350/10C/B/C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info






